Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Heat and the Holiday

Happy Birthday USA

Many of us have today off from our 9-5 and will be having BBQ's, going to the parks, having fun outdoors.


We in the US have been experiencing some brutally hot weather.  Here are a few tips to keeping cool so that you can help maximize your day.... and enjoy some fireworks tonight


  • Drink Cool/Cold Beverages ALL Day... this not only keeps you hydrated, but helps keep your core temp cooler
  • Eat cool foods - WHAT??? - cool foods like Salad, fruits and veggies...things that you eat cool or cold... ICE CREAM, Popsicles

  • Swim - ideal is 85 degree water or cooler
  • If you have cooling products use them...if you don't... consider freezing a bandanna or washcloth.  keep it in a cooler.  if you get hot, put it on the back of your neck
  • if you are able to escape indoors for a bit, do it.  the A/C is your best friend.
  • did i mention ICE Water? ICE ICE BABY.
  • Stay away from tight, dark clothing... break our the white or pastels.  today is not the day for form fitting clothing...your body needs to breathe otherwise you are trapping heat in and that could cause your day to be short with your family and friends.
  • Cold Showers are not just for sobering up anymore.  If you have been in the heat or you are about to do something physical...take a cold/cool shower first to help decrease your core temperature.
Stay cool my friends and enjoy your day.

Do you have any tips?  if so please comment those below


  1. I have found that using one of the mister water bottle fans helps me tremendously

    1. I have one that has a fan. I love it

  2. Remote starters on your car are great in the summer. Cool down car before you get in it

  3. Wow.. all amazing replies and fantastic ideas! Keep them coming!
