Saturday, September 22, 2012

Play that funky music

MUSIC, Makes the people, come together...
The hills are alive, with the sound of Music...
There's music in the sighing of a reed;
There's music in the gushing of a rill;
There's music in all things, if men had ears:
Their earth is but an echo of the spheres.
~Lord Byron

MS  affects our Central Nervous System - so why are we talking about Music, Music Therapy?

What is music therapy?
Music Therapy  uses music and the components of music such as melody, beat to help with many MS symptoms.


Music Therapy has been used for:

  • stress relief
  • relaxation
  • cognitive issues/memory
  • confidence
  • spasticity
  • hypophonia (soft voice)
  • dysarthria (a motor speech problem
  • depression

You are having a bad day.  Everything and anything is going wrong.  How much more can I take?  My mind is spinning out of head is pounding.... if someone says ONE MORE thing I think I will SCCCCRRREEEAAAMMMM - listening to music an soaking yourself in the melody, the beat of the songs, allows your mind to release all of the tention and allows you to relax.  You stress could reduce

If I say Red, carrot, pony, radio to you.  10 minutes later I ask you to repeat those words.  I CANNOT REMEMBER THEM - is this you?  Did you ever notice that you cant remeber what you had for breakfast but when a song comes on the radio you know exactly where you were when it played - what you were wearing - who you were with - what you were doing - and this was 10/20 years ago? 

Music plays such a BIG role in our life

May people who learn the English language, learn it through music.

How many of you can hear a song on the radio from the 1980's and remember EVERY word of that song.  Its not just words.  Its sound put to a beat.  that combination helps our brains recollect.  It forms a pattern. 

Music Therapy can be used for those with Soft Voice or motor skill issues.  By singing they learn how to shape their mouth to annunciate each word and how to deliver it to a crowd.

We beat to our drum -I know we have all heard this saying, but how very true that statement is.

Our first introduction to "music" is our beating heart.  Ba dum,,,ba dum.... it beats at a steady pace.  when we are run or get excited, it starts gets faster.  Just as in a song...when there is excitement in the song the beat gets faster. 

Music gets you moving.  Music is being used by MS patients with Walking and Balance issues as well as spasticity.  The beats that MS patients here are assisting patients with steady walking.  MOVING is helping some patients with Spasticity issues

                                                    WE HAVE TO MOVE IT..MOVE IT
Here is a link to check out if you want to know more about Music Therapy
Sharon and I had the honor of having Michael Ricucci - CEO/Founder of Tera Rising Records on our Radio Show.  In case you missed it here is the show
Check our what Michael and his group at doing to showcase Music Therapy at

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