Hello family, friends, and everyone who is following us atSecureACure4MS
Our Mission
We are a group of intelligent women who have a common thread amongst us, we all have Multiple Sclerosis. Our vision is to provide our members the ability to have the latest Multiple Sclerosis information, resources, articles at their finger tips. We as Multiple Sclerosis patients need to SecureACure4MS, and knowledge is power. We need to keep the words" Multiple Sclerosis" in the hearts and minds of all people 365 days a year/ 24 hrs a day/ 7 days a week. By maintaining a constant presence IE media, ads, awareness campaigns etc we hope to bring more attention to the plight of the MS community.
We are honored you have taken the time to visit this blog. This was just an introduction to our group. We encourage you to visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in Tumblr, Pinterest. We will be blogging about what is going on in the media, in our lives and in your lives. if you have a topic you want to share or want to be a guest blogger, email us at secureacure4ms@live.com
Thank you everyone...everyday we are one step closer to Securing a Cure4MS
So glad you started a blog. Would love to see symptom management experience.